Irene is a long time friend |

Fred & Irene long long time |

husband & wife |
Met Ralph in 61 @ teen town then went on to sell |

me my homes, long time friend |
Melody my neighbour 1961 then bridesmaid in 1970 |

lost then found again great pal forever |

Mel's hubby Ernie |
I met Bill S and his wife back in the 60's |

Maureen has been Diabetic for many years |

learn more just press the pix |
Eileen hope this makes you laugh |

Jill my Monday girl |

Reina my Friday girl |

Mary expecting in May comes Thursdays |

Jeff & Joan funny he comes from near WH home |

try the next page |

Coleen you cheer me on thank you |

I will be adding bears for friends as I can remember if you feel you belong here email me.
Some bears from Marcia
Some from Tube Territory
Animation Library put in bears
Another bear site I use
Not just bears lots of tubes
Dar not only long time real friend |

but my JW Bible Study too |
Meet these two sisters in Nanaimo in 1960's
both are so sweet and true friends, Dar is in JW's
Coleen is not. Wouldn't trade either, they stand by
and send neat stuff.
Coleen and Dar long time true friends |

Both sister's love cats and dog pix |

Gillian thank you so much assistants really was |

needed on school work hope U enjoy your new job |
Met Jose in 74 while selling Avon then she babysat |

my daughter while I went to college nobody better |
Jose DH my kids call him Uncle Bill sure |

do miss you |
Bill & Jose hope retiring agrees miss you |

Bill U and Dauna are great friends |

Thank you |
Dauna love your rolls thank you |

Bev looked after me and introduced WH |

Bev grandson he picked the bear |

Pauline made the best perogies we ever eat |

91 Sept. 1 God bless you |
Shil I saw this thought it was you that day miss |

you in my prayers |
Sue comes Wednesdays now |

Sharon my Tuesday girl has |

English Mastiffs |
cute pix of one of my home makers Georgina |

Pix made by Icedream |
another homemaker picked her own bear LOL |

Jackie |
Josie my wednesday care worker Kuala's by |

Marcia |
Coleen always cheers us up |

Elaine was my Thursday Home support |

gone now to someone else |
Dar's long time friend and mine too |
